The Friends of the Crusher Lot is a community organization formed to promote the beautification, restoration, improvement and protection of the Crusher Lot (aka the West Woods or the Ottoson Woods) in Arlington Heights, Massachusetts. We aim to keep the woods clean, safe and natural. We invite active membership in the organization and seek to represent the community of neighbors and users who care about the Crusher Lot.
Fall Cleanup! Sunday October 6, 2024 – 10AM-12PM
We’ll be cleaning up trash and broken glass and pulling invasives. Bring gloves and a trowel or something to dig with, and a bag or bucket for collecting trash. We’ll have a big trash can to empty it all into.

Found in the woods
Is this yours?

Spring Cleanup!

If you are planning to volunteer for the cleanup, please print out this Volunteer Indemnification Form and bring it with you. The Town requires this.
First snow of 2024
The “vernal spring” is running – December 24, 2023
More videos of the spring flowing are here:
For more information about vernal pools, see